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LFA Global’s Ship Chandling Services

LFA Global Ship ChandlingWith over 20 years of experience in the ship chandling industry, LFA Global has established a solid reputation for delivering on-time, and ensuring that our customers get only the best service and attention needed, so that they can save time and money, when travelling through Singapore.

We respond to customer enquiries quickly, without any delay, due to our efficient business processes, dedicated management, and experienced team of workers. Since 1986, we have not only grown in terms of our business capability and capacity, but also the scope of our business has vastly expanded. We are able to serve customers through our extended worldwide network covering various continents.

We supply an extensive range of items, not limited to the following:

  • Chain Blocks & Load Binders
  • Food and Provisions
  • Hooks
  • Swivels
  • Anchors Chains & Fittings
  • Winches
  • Turnbuckles
  • Cloth & Linen
  • Tableware & Galley Utensils
  • Deck Equipment
  • Ropes and Hawsers
  • Rigging Equipment & General Deck Items
  • Marine Paint & Painting Equipment
  • Hoses & Couplings
  • Nautical Equipment
  • Medicine
  • Petroleum Products
  • Stationery
  • Brushes & Mats, Lavatory Equipment
  • Cleaning Material & Chemicals
  • Pneumatic, Electrical Tools & Hand Tools
  • Cutting & Measuring Tools
  • Metal Sheets, Bars, Screw & Nuts, Pipes & Tubes & Fittings
  • Valves & Cocks, Bearings and Electrical Equipment
  • Actuation Equipment
  • Packing & Jointing, Welding Equipment & Machinery
  • Welfare Items
  • Tabacco/Cigarettes